So my property was basically un-fenced when I purchased it. No front fence, a barbed wire rear fence, half a fence on one side and a fence that was just about to fall down on the other side. I will be fencing the whole 3/4 acres with something that is Gigi-proof, dog-proof, chicken proof and goat proof. I've decided to go with a paling fence along the front and a post, rail and dog-wire fence along the sides and rear.
In keeping with my no money/frugal theme, I will be building it myself, with help from my family, mainly my dad and brother. The weekend just gone, I had a fence painting working bee with family and friends and we managed to get half the fence painted and put up. As the saying goes, many hands make light work. It only took six people about 6 hours to paint the posts, rails and 250 fence palings (front and back). There's still another 250 to paint and put up, which I'll have to find time for.
Here are a few progress pictures of the whole process...
First Day, pegging out the posts |
After a hard day of concreting the posts in. |
Posts and rails. |
Got the Mail box up too. |
Dad just about to start putting the palings up. |
The paling painting station. Underneath the blue shelter is my mum and a friend, under the shed is my grandpa. Still going strong in his late 70s. |
Some of the troops admiring the finished product. |
There were four generations of my family helping out on the weekend. My daughter, myself, my parents and my grandparents. Gigi loved painting, for the first hour, she actually painted the the fence palings, then she painted a few rocks, then my garbage bins. After lunch, my grandmother took her to the park for a play.
My grandfather was a builder before he retired a few years ago, so he really enjoyed the weekend.
I'm very grateful for the help I received from my family and friends. It would have taken a very long time to do it on my own.
That's looking really good! And its amazing how much difference it will make to your property. Thanks for following my blog :)